Okta training provides comprehensive learning on identity and access management (IAM) using Okta's platform. It covers topics like single sign-on (SSO), multi-factor authentication (MFA), user lifecycle management, and security policies. Through hands-on training, participants learn how to implement, configure, and manage Okta solutions for secure access control and improved enterprise security. Ideal for IT professionals seeking Okta certification and expertise in cloud-based identity management.
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Okta training provides comprehensive learning on identity and access management (IAM) using Okta's platform. It covers topics like single sign-on (SSO), multi-factor authentication (MFA), user lifecycle management, and security policies. Through hands-on training, participants learn how to implement, configure, and manage Okta solutions for secure access control and improved enterprise security. Ideal for IT professionals seeking Okta certification and expertise in cloud-based identity management.
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oktatraining.rajce.netAktivní od
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